A Note From Charise

Hello! This is the introduction to who I am and what I’m about. I want this to be a space where we get real. Having done thousands of readings over the years, I’ve kept little notes of insight here and there that I am finally ready to share.
This is a safe, all inclusive space. I hope to talk about everything. I want to talk about love. I want to talk about Magick. I want to talk about sex. I want to talk about Divination. I want to talk about darkness. All of it. So stay tuned and feel free to email me (charismadevice@gmail.com) with any suggestions of topics you would like to see discussed. I’m super excited!
I started reading tarot professionally super young. I remember feeling intimidated often having any client over 30 enter my room. I had to learn quick to trust. Trust the process of divination. One instance that stands out vividly. A woman, most likely early 60’s sits in front of me, folds her arms across her chest as said what will you be able to tell me. I simply replied hey these messages don’t come from me!
This is the message to understand. Intuition and divination are ever present. My super-sized Scorpio nature is a bit reluctant to be this vulnerable but I am pushing through. Welcome