A Note From Charise

Divine timing is something I talk about often and after this weeks experience I thought it was a perfect opportunity to share!
After catching up Saturday night with one of my favorite people in the world he had asked if there were any recommendations on how to work with spirit guides. This is actually something that I get asked pretty frequently from clients and have had in mind to develop a class and gather more consistent resources. My guides then started yelling at me pretty fiercely that it was time to get this workshop together so I hit the books ( and also the internet of course). My number one recommendation is and has been for the past 15+ years for anyone interested in this work to read How To Meet and Work with Spirit Guides by Ted Andrews. Easy read, fantastic little find and it totally changed my life. The rest of my work with guides from that point on has been through personal experiences. My B.S. (my belief system) is spirit guide work should be experiential. It was interesting and super fun reading different articles and having different verbiage attached to different kinds of guides and how they operate
One of the most interesting terms I came across were divine timing guides.
I am a strong advocate of divine timing through my decades of practicing witchcraft and doing readings this concept comes up quite a bit.
An example of divine timing is say you’re fighting working extra hard for a promotion. You want it, you see it, you are manifesting like a crazy person. Then you’re fired. You start job hunting and that next week you are offered your dream job. In that moment I’ve been fired all you can see is the unfairness how hard you’re working and all of your efforts not seen. But just maybe the universe has been working behind the scenes if you were not fired you would not be looking outside of that company in order for this dream job to be on your radar at all.
I love the way my story played out and gave me an example to connect and fully understand divine timing*
Everything happens for a reason and sometimes the timing of things are not what we anticipate. The universe has its own agenda and the key to manifesting or spell work lies in working with these patterns not against them… I like the idea of divine timing guides it helps us work with a smaller construct instead of the timing for the whole flipping universe right? Some key points to consider when manifesting are; have you considered the will of others along with your goal and are you coming from a place of desperation? Any involvement of desperation includes ego and automatically creates a block.
I start writing my brain in overdrive, taking notes, making connections truly fascinated with my findings while preparing this workshop. That same day another good friend reaches out. She’s distraught, going through a divorce with a narcissistic man in the middle of a pandemic!
Now we’ve been working magic and mojo the entire divorce things are looking good for sure, favorable on her end, almost over and ready to sign the papers.
The last tidbit for finalization is her finding a home to purchase. She has been working many spells lighting candles and manifesting like a mofo! Things are just not working out, she is outbid or offers that are too strict or contingent.
So I ask her over for a “spell” ha!
I tell her about this concept of divine timing guides and of course she asks awesome so what do we do?
The same thing we do with all guides basically find a way to get on their good side (winky face).
As we are preparing the spell my two biggest recommendations are
- She has to get out of place of desperation. Trusting and knowing she’s going to leave and find a house. Have these feelings come from a place of assurance instead of urgency.
- The next message was she also includes in her manifesting his next step. If she’s working to speed up timing and nothings working to help his timing find a place bam instant block. We talked about affirmations for the release of urgency and some extra prayer to send his way to make sure he’s settled.
She was a bit disgruntled about needing to do that last step but knew it was necessary ha… we worked it out. It is totally possible to live in love and light and still get really pissed off, maybe even a bit vengeful. It’s our actions that are important.
So we set her up with a spell incorporating all of these concepts as well as the magic she’s already been working. I love the example of divine timing within divine timing.
I’m drawn to do this work and immediately able to share and assist. (And yes my guides really know how to drive things home with me!)
The best part. She text later that evening and expressed that the last house she bid on the offer was accepted. She was thrilled and she had not even done the spell yet! Made perfect sense to me spells are just the release of will and I believe working out that intention was magic enough to manifest!