A Note From Charise
A look into why family curses exist and what manifesting truly is.

A workshop I facilitate Healing Family curses, originally called generational release is very close to my heart. I thought I would talk a little bit about my process and why I feel this work is important.
This concept arose from conversations with my clients about the life they were living and why. I found myself gently reminding clients often to check in with themselves whether it be about love, money or the life they were living.
You are 100% responsible for living the life that you want to live…
I am absolutely amazed at how many of us don’t check in with ourselves. Clinging tight to words that are not even ours but our parents, grandparents and other ancestors.
When it comes to finances still living in a place of scarcity left over from our families experience in the great depression. Still saying money come and money go, not realizing how powerful just shifting that to money come and money come could be. (Thank you Grace for this nugget of knowledge!)
When it comes to love just trotting along each day continuing with the same person even after they feel like a stranger.
When it comes to career pushing through each day like a zombie when yearning for fulfillment.
It’s important that you ask yourself did you subscribe to this is or is it just a B.S.! (Short for Belief System ) handed down to you? Give yourself permission to check in and ask the hard questions.
A family curse is the notion that something negative exists in one’s life because some thing has happened to the family member usually that’s passed or one’s family itself.
So much has been imprinted on our brains, maybe even passed along in our DNA. It’s important that we identify these imprints and dissect them. Bring these concepts out to the open and understand them so we can release them, set them free.
I work a ton with clients on manifestation. To manifest literally means to make clear or evident to the eye, to show plainly. There is no supernatural meaning behind this concept, it is literally to think, understand and see clearly.
To do this we have to begin by identifying patterns
I would encourage you to put pen to paper. Dig into your psyche
Once you are clear on your ideals the real magick happens, we can shift or rid ourselves of these old patterns.
Write them down cross them off, crumble up the paper and throw them away!
Allow yourself to be still, truly present and tune in. Rewrite the end to this story. An ending you can truly see yourself play out.